Sunday 21st June 2015 Castle Rocks

Date: Sunday 21st June 2015

Description/Location: Castle Rocks

Leader:  John & Joby Mitchell
Report: Joby Mitchell
Pictures: John & Joby Mitchell, Hans Staub, Shane Mitchell

As the Castle Rocks walking track is an easy walk: level fire track until you reach the Castle Rocks, it is perfect to rekindle those walking legs and enjoy the flora & fauna and also good for those first time walkers and then there is the views from the tops of the Castle Rocks which is an ideal location for a picnic lunch. With a bit of rock scrambling if you like.

15 Members including a new member & and a visitor headed off after enjoying a Morning Tea at the car park with other members that arrived via car or bicycle to help celebrate a 60th birthday.  This time of year is perfect for walking in the bush. The changes in the undergrowth since our last visit and the good condition of the track and increased growth of the Xanthorrhoea ‘grass trees’.

Distance: 8km return (approx.1 hour each way)

Map Ref: Munghorn 8833-2-S