Sunday 6th April 2014 Munghorn Trig & Cooyal Pub Rock

Date: Sunday 6th April 2014:

Description/Location: .Munghorn Trig & Cooyal Pub Rock

Leaders: Guy & Karen Kemp                                                                 

Photos: Guy Kemp

On Sunday 6 April there were about 15 folks who walked 1.5 km on a bearing from the Castle Rocks Car Park to Munghorn Trig.

The scrub was a little thick in places on the first leg so we travelled in single file but there was nothing too serious.  I think it was Pauline who spotted a Red-Bellied Black along the way but he took off in a hurry before most of the group got a glimpse.   We stopped briefly at the trig point and talked for a minute about what it was for and why it was placed there.  We found very little evidence of the road that once led to it.

 On a new bearing we headed roughly South West through more open country along a well-defined ridge line.   After a little over 2.3 km we arrived at the huge rocks above the Cooyal Pub.  We stopped there for lunch and enjoyed stunning views.  Through binoculars we could see the radio masts on the hills to the south of Mudgee some 20 odd km away and the town itself was visible with the naked eye. The birds-eye view of the local properties, dams and roads presented a new perspective on the area and caused quite a bit of interesting discussion.  The deep splits in the rocks caused by ice many thousands of years ago fascinated a few folks who had not realised just how old this area is.  Poor Joe must have been tired – as you can see he took a little nap after lunch!

 During the walk we saw Thornbills, Double-barred finches, and (I think) a couple of Firetails as well as many signs of ant-eater activity, pig-rootings and a few old bowers.  We didn’t see any goats but we saw lots of their little calling cards!  The weather was kind to us and I think most enjoyed a good day out.