AGM – Done and Dusted for another year so lets go bushwalking!

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held Wednesday 12 June 2019. Venue: Presbyterian Church Hall.  Members enjoyed a social dinner prior to the meeting at the Court House hotel. The cooler weather kept a few away and some members wanted to stay.

However once the meeting was underway & the visitors welcomed the task at hand was to hold the elections.  Members were thanked for their respective roles and incoming members congratulated for taking on the following positions:

President; Johanna Mitchell (Joby), V/President; Jenny Macnaughton,  Secretary; Elly Rands,  Treasurer; Angela Rayner, Public Officer; Glen Hill,  Safety Officer; Eric Caswell, Webmaster; Sof Lee,  Events Co-Ordinator; committee, Committee members; Duncan Higgs, Glen Hill, Storm Dwyer, Monique Unwin.

For the first time: The Junior Development Leadership Program was introduced, to assist the club to engage and encourage younger members. throughout the year the committee approached Junior member of five years, Fabian Hill to undertake the program that involved; safety, operation of communication systems and equipment, navigational skills, compass skills, map reading, planning walks, overnight trips,  reporting of walks.  Fabian addressed these aspects of bushwalking at the meeting; the program also involved engaging with more experienced members and eventually leading a walk and to be comfortable to continue leading for future activities. Fabian was awarded with a certificate of competency & small gift. This program could not have been achieved without guidance of program leader Eric Caswell.    It was also encouraging to have two of our Life Member’s  Geoff Dear and Eunice Marskell attend and witness this award.

Bike Rider(s): Thank you to Lynda & Angela and Kim for overseeing the paperwork all year round for members to continue riding; both in Mudgee and Kandos/Rylstone.

Remember: Walk safely -“Walk with a Club”,                                                                                   Ride safely -” Be Safe & Be Seen”.                                                 report by President J. Mitchell.

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